Computer Forensics - Digital Evidence Recovery

Computer Forensics is the science of gathering, retrieving and evaluating electronic data, often for the purpose of stopping or preventing computer fraud, to gather and preserve digital evidence for a criminal investigation, or to recover data accidentally lost or deleted.  The scenarios involved where this may be needed are forensics data recovery Naples private investigator detective

Computer forensics requires knowledge of all aspects of the computer, from the operating system ISA to computer architecture and hardware design. Our forensic partner's engineers will safely extract electronic data from almost any computer system, regardless if data has been destroyed, deleted or hidden.

The computer forensics engineers are specially trained to recover data from many sources other than just computer hard drives, including iPads, GPS devices, CD-ROMs, USB memory sticks and devices, digital cameras, and other many other sources. If you're looking for data recovery for cell/smart phones, click here:


Our forensics partner is a world leading company in computer forensics, specializing in the following computer forensic services:


Computer Data Recovery

Turn to us for hard drive data recovery and other related data recovery services. This may include data that has been copied, corrupted, moved or deleted and is normally not recoverable.

Our partner's certified engineers can rebuild broken drives and other devices, using parts harvested from our vast and carefully inventoried library of discontinued and rare drives from all over the world, and have been doing so for over a decade. Drives that have experienced water or fire damage or have not worked in years can be taken apart and reconstructed by our skilled staff to recover the data thought to be lost.


Computer Forensics On-Site Acquisition

If your digital evidence can’t be sent to our partner's laboratories for analysis, their computer forensics team can conduct digital evidence searches and can provide data recovery services at your location. Confidentiality and discretion being key, they will work within whatever parameters needed, acquiring evidence on-site at any time of the day or night.


Tracing Hostile Contact/Email Harassment

email harassment bullying Naples private investigator detectiveOur partner's engineers can find the source and help end your email harassment problems. Unfortunately, this occurs more than most want to admit, but in many cases it can be solved.




Electronic Risk Control

Our computer forensic company electronic risk management specialists can develop for you prevention and risk mitigation plans that hold employees responsible for files they send digitally.


Cyber Evidence Document Discovery

Our partner's computer forensics investigators routinely perform electronic discovery for documents that may be related to a crime and/or your specific case or situation, even if the item has been deleted or hidden.  The computer forensics team will safely extract electronic evidence from almost any computer system.


Password Recovery

The team of engineers can work password recovery miracles for files in almost any computer program or system.  Before spending countless hours duplicating the "lost" work or speculating how you or your company will finish the task without the password, contact us.

digital password recovery Naples private investigator detective


Internet Monitoring for Computer Forensics Goals

Our Computer Crime Division’s Internet Monitoring Department combines the skills of experienced researchers with our state-of-the-art proprietary software.


Computer Forensics Litigation Support and Expert Testimony

Our forensic partner provides experienced, reliable and credible litigation support and expert witness testimony in any case concerning computer forensics digital evidence.

More and more court cases require the proper submittal of electronic evidence; therefore it’s vital the digital investigator understands the legal issues, compliance parameters and imperatives surrounding electronic evidence gathering in the specific jurisdiction. The computer fraud experts at our partner are fully trained in all aspects of computer forensics, from proper evidence handling to litigation support services.  Just because a firm says they are "experts" does not make it so. Our partners have over a decade of experience in this important area.

The engineers will ensure that any and all digital evidence and data recovered will be collected properly and according to strict legal specifications so it is admissible in a court. We will also establish a clear chain of custody of the evidence, from the point of origin all the way to the courts. The Chain of Custody of evidence must be handled by a specially trained expert, otherwise an untrained individual may damage or even destroy critical data and evidence, or render it inadmissible during your legal proceedings.

If you'd like to learn more about these services, click below to submit a request for our digital forensic partners to contact you directly.